Drilled Footings: The Essence of Stability

Drilled footings are mainly built by drilling a hole into the ground and filling it with concrete. They are mainly used to transfer considerable loads from buildings by transferring the same into a stable soil or rock present below.

What Does Drilled Footings Typically Include?

  • Drilled Hole
  • Reinforcement Cage
  • Concrete
  • Curing

Why Drilled Footings?(Key Features)


  • Can Bear Heavy Load

Drilled footings considered to be one of the prominent landscape installation services at Haliburton are considered to be the best for providing support to heavy loads.

  • Stability

They have the supreme power to reach a considerable layer of soil or rock present beneath that helps in ensuring greater amount of stability.

  • Versatility

By implementing drilled footing services the landscape contractors at Haliburton make it suitable for various soil conditions, including shallow groundwaters.

  • Has less Vibration

Drilled Footings are considered to be one of the less troublesome methods that are mainly meant for urban areas.

  • Can be easily customized

One of the most important aspects of drilled footing is that the diameter and depth can be adjusted as per the needs of the project.

Being one of the best landscaping companies at Haliburton Cranberry Cove Enterprises promises to entail the best drilled footings services, so without a second thought choose the best from the wide range of present landscapers at Haliburton.